Saturday, October 31, 2009

311009:this is it!

i have always admire how the entertainment line since young. would love to find out how the backstage preparation was done & etc. I was once involved with a local singer debut album back in 2007, and i love the process of every moment during the project. It was indeed FUN & gainned much experiences working with diff industries ppl.

since it was halloween, i bought 4 tickets to MJ's movie since 17 Oct, enjoyed the show with my parents & zofox for apprx 2hrs in the cinema seeing how the team prepare for the biggest concert of the year, i must say they hv already score 100% during the rehersal... it was a pity that the actual concert never gonna happen.

seeing the way how MJ worked was no doubt the king of pop! he was polite & serious in his doing. he selected the dancers himself, he practice and correct ppl on the spot on stage and even gave his team chances to show off their talent during the rehersal. eventho he would give in 70% during his practice, but his vocal & dance move were simply...O-LA-LA!...

extra credits to the background graphics & effects.. lots of hardwork been chipped in esp during the scene of EARTH song, they dont care about us, thriller & more... the sound system & director have done a really really great job!

guess the poster has said it all! RIP MJ! WE MISS YOU!

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