Monday, March 9, 2009

090309:working on a public holiday

it was raining heavily, weather was chilling & the best thing was... it is a public holiday for prophet muhammad's bday!!!! yeah yeah.. dreams on... unfortunately, i got to get my lazy bum to report to work in the office.

all staff were "working" happily in the office... jokes, laughers, chatting, computer paper printing, filing cabinet slotting in & out, even the receptionist was holding her cups of coffee walking around to do "discussions" with others... but wait, there was totally NO INCOMING CALLS at all!!!!! it feels as if we are the only office that works.

anyway, since everyone was being so motivated in the office, eventho majority of the big bosses were out of town, therefore i also took out my "to do list" book & check... & i see this...

wow! looks like i am done for the day, have a good evening!

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