Wednesday, March 11, 2009

110309:gloomy day

i curled up like a cooked prawn on my bed this morning, the weather was chilling & i wished i could have slept longer, but hell no, it is time to get up & i was very late to be at work!

as the morning sun shine, i began to feel the heat from the ground when i walked from the car-park to the office building, i thought of sydney... a place that has weird weather all year round.

when the clock ticked to 1pm, it was time for lunch. drove home & the heat outside was so bloody hot & the reflection of the windscreen of other's cars opposite me was so annoying... i wished i could close my eyes to rest instead. therefore, i requested to switch driver when we return to work...felt so tired.

it was near 4pm.. the sky turned really dark. within short time, it rained so heavily, thunders & lightnings hits like every 5 mins... we were advised to save our files on computer & etc. wonder people would make comments, and compare human's characters to the weather. if the nature could switch in within hours, why not human's feeling/mood. i guess the weather must have collected all the "frustrations" inside the clouds, finally it is releasing all the stress... :P

1 comment:

M said...

dropping to say HI!!
Cheer up~